So I've been looking for an illustrator and I have already run into a couple roadblocks. I know I should have seen these coming, but I was hoping to find local people since Diva Zya met some comic artists at Evergreen University when she was a student there. So, I did what seemed logical and posted an ad on Craigslist.
The trouble was that I hadn't fully thought through what type of artist I wanted to work with, what would happen if I couldn't find a partner (which is what I prefer) and had to settle for an employee...things like that. Response to my ad has been less than anticipated, and most of the respondents are from out of state. One of the few locals who responded clearly didn't understand that "artist" and "illustrator" are specific terms that cannot be applied to someone who knows how to draw a picture, but we got that sorted out rather quickly.
Right now I am dealing with 3 rather promising people, I just need to write out a test script to see what they can come up with. If I like it, great we can see where it goes. If I am not impressed, then neither of us is out anything except time. Of course, this has it's own I do things "the Marvel Way" where I, the writer, just write up char descs, and spell out the plot leaving the artist to fill in the blanks? Or do I use "Full Script" method and lay out everything frame by frame?
If I am working with a partner, I don't mind saying that I would vastly prefer the Marvel Way. Not that I am going to leave my artist with the lion's share of the work, but I want to give them a great deal of creative freedom.
Conversely, if I am going to hire an illustrator to do the graphics then I am not going to tell them anything they don't need to know. I'll send them a frame by frame layout of the book sans dialogue, color, etc. After I get the art and they get paid, then I can use a graphics editor to add color (if I am going that route), dialogue, etc.
Each method has its assets and liabilities so we'll just have to see how it goes. The test script will be ready to go by Saturday, so I expect to have concept art from the potential illustrators about 2 weeks after that. After all, I am only sending 2 pages of script so it shouldn't take that long.
In the meantime there will be much researching going on. Stay tuned and feel free to send in any advice you might have, especially if you have ever done anything like this before.
Dr. V
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